What is the catholic perspective on abortion? its for a religion assignment, Thank you.?

2015-05-03 11:00 pm

回答 (8)

2015-05-03 11:01 pm
They're against it.

2015-05-03 11:14 pm
That the intention killing of any human being, regardless of age, is murder.

Catholic deacon
2015-05-03 11:27 pm
Catholicism is against abortion. The Catholic Church's views on Abortion are apart of it's Teaching called the Consistent Life Ethic. So the Church takes a Pro Life stances on all issues whether it's Abortion, Euthanasia, Death Penalty, War, Genocide, Economic Injustice.
參考: Christian
2016-12-18 10:14 pm
Catholic Perspective On Abortion
2015-05-06 4:34 pm
<-- Catholic.

The Catholic church, by virtue of its members (1.2 billion) and the fact that Abortion is against a core Doctrine of the faith and one of the 'non-negotiables' - is the world's LARGEST Pro-Life organization in the world.

The Catholic church is one of the loudest and most outspoken critics of abortion in the world.

It is considered a 'non-negotiable' -- something a Catholic can't personally disagree with the Church on and still be Catholic.

ANY Catholic who even so much as facilitates an abortion (say by giving the person a ride to the clinic) has excommunicated themselves from the faith. (separated themselves and can not receive the Sacraments)

To the Catholic church - Abortion is THEE #1 issue of all issues that needs to be addressed and changed. The termination of the lives of some 1million babies a year in the U.S. is a travesty and evil.

Strong enough language for ya?

The Catholic church's stance is that life begins at conception. Science has proven that an infant is human at the earliest stages of development. There is no doubt that a baby IS human. Therefore, terminating that life IS the killing of a human life. As fellow human beings, we have an obligation to protect the lives of the innocent and vulnerable. What is more innocent and vulnerable then an unborn child? How can we say we are 'just' or 'caring' or enlightened' or 'moral' if we barbarically kill the most vulnerable who can't stick up for themselves.?

This is non-negotiable.

<<But what if the Mother's life is in danger?>>
The Catholic church's stance is that in cases of life n death - we should always make EVERY attempt to save BOTH lives and not prefer 1 over the other.
But when the situation turns dire and it is clear that only 1 life can be saved - then the couple/family makes the BEST decision they can. It is not illmoral to try and save a life, if all other options have been exhausted.
The 'principle of double effect' means that so long as killing the baby is not your PRIMARY goal, but instead a side effect of saving a life - then it is still permissible.
But we must exhaust all options to save BOTH, first. Too often Hospitals take the safe route and kill the baby to save the mother (the one who can pay the hospital bill) without trying to save BOTH.
Lucky for all of us, advances in Medical Science are making these sorts of life n death situations increasingly rare. We shouldn't create abortion laws that allow any women to get an abortion and then cite the rare cases as our justification.
That would be like allowing Police to shoot ANY suspect, because SOME may be actual criminals. - The current laws are TOO broad.

<<What about cases of rape?>>
Current abortion laws do not make ANY mention of cases of rape. They do not restrict abortion to only those situations. Therefore it is dishonest to make this argument when it is not even part of the law.
However, it would still seem ill-moral to punish the baby just because of the manner it was conceived. 1 violent act against the mother, should not entitle the mother to perpetrate another violent act upon her child.
A JUST and CARING society should teach people that good can come out of bad situations and we should show MORE compassion and love then the rapist showed his victim. -- RIGHT?

The Church's grounds for opposing Abortion, among other reasons are:

- Roe vs. Wade - the original court case used the lack of evidence to side with the prosecution. This totally goes against our legal systems basic tenant that you are 'innocent until proven guilty' instead the Chief Justices took a 'guilty until proven innocent' view and used lack of evidence to side with the plaintif. the entire Roe vs. Wade decision has been contested several times.

- Dred Scott Decision - It used to be that Life and Liberty was extended to the unborn. Abortion laws essentially repealed that. Abortion essentially makes the baby the property of the mother. The last time we allowed the U.S. government to remove the rights of citizenship from a class of people was during Slavery when the Supreme Court ruled that Slaves were property of their owners (Dred Scott) Abortion, in a sense, does something similar - makes the babies LESS THEN Human by revoking their rights of citizenship until they are born.
We shouldn't allow the government to remove rights and defense of the innocent based on where they live (the womb)

- Do No Harm - Doctors used to take a vow to 'do no harm' (they don't anymore) Abortion doesn't 'fix' a medical condition or a problem. The operation, though routine, is not without risks and is STILL a very invasive procedure. Should we allow Doctors to terminate perfectly healthy pregnancies that pose NO MEDICAL risk to the mother? Being pregnant is not a medical issue, it means the women is healthy. Should modern medicine be used to BREAK what aint broke?

- A Just Society - Societies are judged based on their laws and protecting the innocent. Is our society so weak and struggling for survival that we must KILL infants instead of allowing them to be born and caring for them, ourselves (society) through social programs, fostering, adoption, etc.? Should we teach our youth that if you make a mistake (having sex before you are ready to be a parent) that you should just cover up your mistake by 'getting rid of it' Do we teach our children that if you mess up and produce a life - you just go to a clinic and get it erradicated? OR Do we teach children that there ARE consequences but that Society/Family/etc. will help them and that some GOOD (a new life) can come from your mistakes. To basically turn 'lemons into lemonade'?
Which is a better guiding principle? The law of love and compassion OR "Just KILL IT!"

- Adoption not Abortion - There are many parents who can't have children who would love to adopt (I am one of them) There are waiting lists for children. How selfish is it to abort a child that you can have when there are couples who can't have children who would LOVE the opportunity to adopt. Let's funnel money given for abortions to make adoption more affordable and easier.

- Psychological - Women who get abortions suffer from higher rates of depression and stress. Many regret their choice. Many felt that they had NO choice/options. Abortion is not without some long term risks. The Catholic church runs "Martha's Vineyard" a retreat and program for women recovering from the effects of abortion.

- Who's Watching the Shop - Right now Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortions in the U.S. is the one tasked with 'providing women with their options' -- We are relying on the people who make money ON abortion to dissuade women and counsel them about their options? That would be like having Baskin Robbins counsel people about and try to talk them out of getting ice cream. - REALLY? Countless undercover reporters have proven that Planned Parenthood staffers do not follow the rules. Their have been cases where 18yr. olds have posed as 14yr. olds and told Planned Parenthood staff that they were raped by their fathers and the staff members didn't report it to Police, but just helped them get an abortion even though that is against the laws.

- Restricting the Law - Many people talk about how they think Abortion should only be used in certain cases, but the current laws do not restrict abortion to certain cases. So while people TALK about restrictions - none of the talked about restrictions are actually put in place. In fact, there is pressure to remove the restrictions that ARE in place. For instance, there is pressure to remove the requirement for teenagers to get have parental approval. So a 15 or 16 yr. old could get pregnant, get an abortion and NEVER tell anyone. There are laws that want to make it legal for non-family members to drive a teen across state lines to obtain an abortion in private. -- That would be transporting minors across state lines without parents approval to obtain a medical procedure (w/o their knowledge)
There is even pressure from WHO (World Health Organization) to get abortion re-classified as 'essential women's reproductive health' - even though an abortion seeks to terminate a NATURAL and HEALTHY pregnancy (in most cases) - why is something that STOPS a healthy process termed 'health' This is a step backwards, NOT forwards.
2015-05-03 11:02 pm
Catholics are generally against abortion
2015-05-03 11:01 pm
The Catholic Church is officially against abortion and birth control and condoms. A position I do not fully support.

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