What's your favorite drink in starbucks?

2015-05-03 7:03 pm

回答 (19)

2015-05-03 7:06 pm
Caramel Macchiato
2015-05-04 2:09 am
2015-05-04 12:03 am
Mint Chip Frapp
2015-05-03 10:45 pm
Pumpkin Spice Latte when it's available
2015-05-03 7:50 pm
Depends on the day... But if I feel like a frappacino I go for strawberries and cream or the java chip

If I feel like a regular drink I go for the iced tea refreshers or plain iced coffee (mocha)
2015-05-08 10:56 am
Vanilla Cream
2015-05-06 1:27 pm
I love Green Tea because it has great taste and healthy drink
2015-05-05 9:56 pm
Treinta iced passion tea, iced green tea latte, caramel flan latte, iced caramel macchiato, java chip frap, smores frap
2015-05-05 8:26 pm
Caramel Machiatto, Vanilla Cream, Chocolate Chip cr
2015-05-03 9:37 pm
Vanilla skinny latte, iced latte, caramel frappucino or chocolate cream blend without coffee
2015-05-29 2:20 am
espresso beverages
2015-05-07 7:35 am
I don't like their coffee because it is too strong to drink black...and it tastes awful. I don't want all the goo on a regular basis so I don't go there.
2015-05-07 1:32 am
Green tea frappucino, cookies and cream frappucino, Twix frappucino, caramel macchiato
2015-05-05 4:49 am
sweet tea
iced peach green tea
any frappuccino
iced vanilla coffee with cream <3 FAVE
2015-05-05 12:15 am
iced tea
Short flat white.
2015-05-03 7:07 pm
Chai tea latte.
2015-05-03 8:50 pm
I don't like star bucks. I like dutch bros. I get their blended Mochas.
2015-05-03 7:17 pm
We don't have starbucks...yeahhh...

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