
2015-05-04 4:48 am
It's not warm, but it isn't so cold as yesterday.

a. 因為 yesterday後沒有加動詞,所以按常理會被理解做 It's not warm, but it isn't so cold as yesterday is. ,但 yesterday is 係錯的,必須加返 was 喺yesterday之後,即 It's not warm, but it isn't so cold as yesterday was. ,絕不能講成It's not warm, but it isn't so cold as yesterday.

b. 絕大部分人都知道 yesterday 後的動詞必然是was,所以即使yesterday後沒有接動詞,都無可能被理解做yesterday is,當然加返was 就最正確,唔加was 講成It's not warm, but it isn't so cold as yesterday. 都可以接受。

a啱定 b啱?
外國人通常會加was 定乜都唔加?

回答 (3)

2015-05-04 9:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
"so" (adverb)

We can use "so" for comparison in a negative way, to show "something is not to the same degree as other thing" .

Format: A ... not so ... as B

"as" is a preposition, so B (after "as") is the object of preposition and has to be a noun, pronoun, noun phrase or gerund.

你的句子: It's not warm, but it isn't so cold as yesterday.

In this sentence, "it" compares to "yesterday".

"it" is an impersonal pronoun, respresenting "the weather". When used with present tense, it means "the weather today".

The complete meaning of the second part of the sentence is:
The weather today is not as cold as yesterday's weather.

Therefore, you can't add a verb "was" after "yesterday", by all means, otherwise it'll not be grammatical.

所以, a 和 b 都唔啱。
乜都唔加 就啱曬!

2015-05-04 01:15:45 補充:
a 和 b 都唔啱。
乜都唔加 就啱曬!

2015-05-04 01:43:06 補充:
When "as" is used as a conjunction, then you need to put a verb in the clause after "as".

You can make a comment or add information about what you have just said, by using "as":

The weather is very warm today, as was yesterday's.
It is very warm, as was yestersay.
參考: Oxford dictionary
2015-05-05 11:53 pm
It's not warm, but it isn't so cold as yesterday.= Ok, no need to add anything after yesterday.

Yesterday was cold. Today is not warm but isn't so cold as yesterday.
2015-05-04 5:18 am

Errors and corrections:-
(b) suggests that not adding anything at end is acceptable;
eg:-Weather doesn't look so cold as much as (that of) yesterday.
eg:-as warm as---
-----as cold as-----
-----as much as that of---
-----as much as (that of)---can be acceptable
It means as the weather do,used when you are comparing two situations as an adverb.

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