write a letter to my favourite

2015-05-04 2:03 am
write a letter to my favourite book character,how to write?

回答 (1)

2015-05-04 7:52 am
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hi , i hope i can help you ^^ This is a part of book report 's things , i hope , this also can help you.
1)I think you need to write about your favourite book character name , for example , my
favourite book character is.......
2)And then , you need to talk about why who is your favourite book character
(reason) , for example , i like ..... , because....../ why ...is my book character ,
3)Also , you can say , what is your favourite book character 's special things is .
For example , and then , the book character (he/she) have some special things to make me like it , and that is .....................
Dear ..... ,
i was very like you to do my favourite book character , the character of you in
this book was so good , i like you so much , because...........i know you have some speical things , and that is................... , if i also can have this............power , i think my life will be better . i hope i can to be like you in someday. Lastly/ Finally , i really like you , i even hope you will appear in my dream , thank you , i hope you will answer me soon!Ha ha......

this is my experience , i hope i can help you^^ , thank you^^keep going!!^^

2015-05-03 23:54:28 補充:
in fact , i don't know ''Dear ..... ''is need or no need , but letter will have this usually .^^...
參考: myself

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