I am picking your brain.

2015-05-04 7:39 am
I am picking your brain.Please translating the sentences listed beliw:

sorry for my Freudian slip. 我不想當電燈泡(figuratively)


他娶了一位小他十歲的女子. 她嫁給大她二十歲的男人. He married a lady 10 years his junior. She married a man 20 years her senior. 常生不死的藥(秦始皇渴望的) The elixir of life. (我)恍然大悟 I had an epiphany. 他是個乳臭未乾的小子(羽毛都沒長齊) He is unfledged. He is just a fledgling.


我不想當電燈泡(literally) I don’t want to be the fifth wheel. 飛機起飛後十分鐘... 電影開演十分鐘... 10 minutes into the flight… 10 minutes into the movie… To Beth, the bellibone and Citron Thank you for your participation.

回答 (2)

2015-05-04 8:45 am
✔ 最佳答案

(1)He was married to a young lady 10 yrs younger than him.
(2)She married the man 20 yrs older for her age.
(3)The immortal medicine (wanted by Qin Shi Huang)
(4)I never realised( their full potential )until now.
(5)He is a young and inexperienced boy without a hairy chest just like a callow youth.
(6)I don't want to be the third party involved guiltily.(literally)
(7)The airplane has just took off for 10 min....
(8)The movie has already shown for 10 min.....

2015-05-04 09:58:08 補充:
To make amends(4)It dawned on me that the dawn of intelligence begins.......
2015-05-04 9:10 am
(我)恍然大悟 it dawned on me that ...
電影開演十分鐘... 10 minutes into the movie...

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