Why do american misuse the word "liberal" to refer to feminist, marxist or socialist thinkers. When "liberal" means unregulated capitalism?

2015-05-03 4:25 am

Liberal does mean unregulated capitalism, it is a belief in negative liberties wherein the sole responsibility of the state is defense. Liberalism is essentially liaise faire economics, and liberal thinkers like hobbes used liberalism as the basis for classical economics. A wikipedia article should be simple enough to follow. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism


that dictionary definition is quite possibly the most useless vapid thing I have ever seen formally published


the meaning has only changed in america... which is fundamentally odd

回答 (12)

2015-05-03 4:26 am
Liberal never has meant unregulated capitalism. LOL
2015-05-03 4:32 am
Liberal Definition

adj. adjective

1. Favoring reform, open to new ideas, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; not bound by traditional thinking; broad-minded.
2. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.
3. Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.

n. noun

1. A person with liberal ideas or opinions.
2. A member of a Liberal political party.

2015-05-03 4:27 am
no that isn't what "liberal" means, or ever meant in the US.
2015-05-03 4:26 am
Liberal also means a capitalist who believes in liberal government social spending in the USA.
2015-05-03 5:42 am
For better or worse, "liberal" and "conservative" have become used to refer to attitudes on moral issues, which of course looks daft when the corresponding attitude on economic issues is usually the exact opposite! So we end up having to resort to "libertarian" to mean unregulated capitalism, now that "liberal" doesn't mean what it should.

It's not just America... the UK's two main parties used to be the Liberals and the Conservatives, with the Conservatives as the more right-wing of the two. Now that's going back more than about a century or so, before the rise of Labour.
2015-05-03 4:49 am
You can't redefine fascists.
2015-05-03 5:05 am
I don't use that word myself -- it's meaningless anymore.
In the 19th century "liberal" meant free markets, free trade, and free minds.
In the 20th century "liberal" meant statism to improve mankind.
From about 1985 onward "liberal" was a a term of abuse bellowed out by a pink-faced moron into his microphone.
2015-05-03 4:34 am
The meaning has changed. Language is like that. "Gay" used to mean happy.
2015-05-03 5:11 am
we are liberals...
2015-05-03 4:58 am
Only imbeciles of the right think people who identify as liberals are socialists.

No, liberalism doesn't mean UNREGULATED capitalism. No SANE person thinks unregulated capitalism, where the richest people are allowed to commit any crime that strikes their fancy, is a GOOD thing.

Uh, so you think no woman should have any rights? How could denying human rights to half the human race be called liberal?

If you were human, you wouldn't want to deny all rights to women.

LOL, liberalism USED to mean things it no longer means.

BTW, Adam Smith opposed UNREGULATED capitalism. You're confusing libertairanism with liberalism. Brainless people are easily confused.
2015-05-03 4:42 am
Everything is the other way in America. Red refers to the left in other country, but here it refers to the right.
2015-05-03 4:30 am
"Liberal" may be slightly misused, but other terms we have for them are reportable on this site.

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