統測英文作文 -寫給奶奶的一封信

2015-05-03 6:39 am

How is everything? I hope everything goes fantastic for you. The main reason why I write the letter is to thank you for your delightful gift. The electronic watch is not only practical but also stylish. All of my friends envy me for having such a cool grandmother. I want you to know that I understand the profound meaning consist in the gift. Since I was little, you have told me that “ Time is money” and we shouldn’t idle away. The abiding proverb I have always bear in mind. I appreciate your caring. It is your help makes me what I am today.
I couldn’t imagine going to university without your blessing.
In the end, I would like to invite you to my school for my ceremony. It will be held on June first. I can’t wait to share with you how glee I am to set out for a journey.
Looking forward to seeing you!


回答 (4)

2015-05-03 8:42 am
✔ 最佳答案

I hope everything goes fantastic with you.
All of my friends envy me because I have such a cool grandmother.
I understand the gift you gave me has a deeper meaning.
Ever since I was little, you told me time is money. And now I always keep in my mind that I shouldn't idle my precious time away.
I appreciate your love and concern.
You shaped my life, and made me what I am today.
建議刪去“I couldn’t imagine going to university without your blessing.”
I'd like to invite you to attend my commencement ceremony.
I'm full of glee to set out on a journey. (glee是名詞。)
And I am Iooking forward to seeing you.
參考: 自己
2015-05-06 4:15 am
這個地球被我們稱為地球村因為交通的發達123所以我們想去地球上的任何一個地方只需要坐著飛機幾乎都能抵達這樣想感覺地球似乎很小123但其實地球對很多人來說卻是無比的龐大這是因為語言的關係我們會說中文其實是非常幸運的事情地球上有超過十億的人口都是說中文的123剩下的人口可能絕大多數好幾十億人都是說英文的人口所以我們只需要把英文學好就可以自由自在的走遍全世界重點來了!!在台灣 對很多人來說學英文非常的困難因為沒有學英文的環境與有效率學英文的方法像是今天背單字只是為了應付考試過不到一個星期就忘記遇到了外國人 往往只會說sorry跟thank you所以我想跟各位推薦一個超級多人推薦而且讓你隨時隨地都能訓練英文的方法我有發現一個網址有免費參加 限額100名的報名可以供你了解:http://1314.ws/toeic
就會有專人主動為你服務(所以千萬別填錯囉!! 希望聽過後可以改變你的人生) 111日本英文家教札幌巨蛋,發生女球迷遭到界外球擊中右眼失明的意外,札幌地方法院26日宣判球團等相關單位必須賠償英文家教,創下日本首件球迷勝訴的案例。日媒報導,原告為一名30多歲的女性,2010年8月和丈夫及3名子女前往札幌巨蛋觀看火腿對西武的英文家教,原告一家人坐在內野看台,比賽過程中突然飛來一顆界外球,不幸擊中女球迷的臉部,造成右臉骨骨折和右眼破裂,傷勢嚴重。女球迷提出告訴,向球賽主辦者火腿隊球團及札幌巨蛋英文家教所有者札幌市府求償約4700萬日圓。經過多年纏訟,札幌地院判決女球迷勝訴。法官指出,內野看台設置的圍欄未能擋住界外球,球團方面怠於設置球網等安全措施,球場設備不足以防範危險,欠缺安全性。球團在訴訟過程中曾表示,球場內大螢幕及廣播均會提醒球迷注意,出現界外球時,場內還會鳴示警笛,已經充分採取措施,觀眾若稍加注意應可避免被球擊中英文家教,但未能說服法官,對於宣判結果,球團表示遺憾,擔心未來球場若設置過多的防護設備,將會剝奪球迷觀戰的臨場感。toefl補習班最好學的有推薦哪一家?英文家教的教學方式?有誰請過英文家教?托福補習班找哪一個比較好?請推薦多益怎麼考才會有好成績?tutorabc學習方式?我想找好一點的線上學英文程度好學嗎?有哪些建議多益高分技巧有沒有人可以分享的?學英文是不是很難啊?我想簡單學英文多益分數怎麼弄才會高分呢?托福滿分很難ㄟ,請問怎麼做到的?此案並非日本首件因「球吻」意外提起的訴訟,但卻是首件球迷勝訴案例。2008年5月樂天隊主場宮城球場也曾發生男球迷遭界外球擊中單眼失明的意外,火腿隊在千葉球場練習時也有類似意外,但法院均因同意球團主張安全措施已足夠,英文家教多益線上學英文學英文多益高分技巧多益分數托福滿分toefl補習班托福補習班tutorabc而判決球迷敗訴
2015-05-04 10:34 am
對我來說, 作文的評分包含內容, 文筆, 以及文法.
以這篇來說, from 1 to 10,
文筆 8分
不過每個人的評分標準不同, 不知道問分數有什麼用意...

關係字句的文法你出現了好幾次錯誤, 建議你可以先針對這部分去加強, 以下的句子都是關係字句的文法錯誤.
I want you to know that I understand the profound meaning (which is) consisted in the gift.
The abiding proverb I have always bear in mind. (這句沒動詞)
It is your help that makes me what I am today.

2015-05-04 02:37:45 補充:
所以如果滿分 24分我會給 19.6分
2015-05-03 8:45 am

Grandma or the granny-in-law in Chinese holy matrimony ?
Errors and Corrections in brackets(------):-
How is everything ? I hope everything goes(fantastic) for you. The main reason why I write the letter is to thank you for your (charming) gift. The electronic watch is not only practical but also (fashionable).
All of my friends envy me for having such (an admirable) grandmother. I want you to know that I understand the profound meaning consist(ed) in the gift. Since I wqs little, you have told me that "Time is money" and we shouldn't idle away . The abiding proverb I have always bear in mind. I appreciate your caring. It is your help (that) makes me what I am today. I couldn't imagine going to university without your blessing.

------In the end, I would like to invite you to my school for my ceremony. It will be held on June first. I can't wait to share with you how glee I am to set out for a journey ( on something good that will happen.)

------Looking forward to seeing you !
------You got good grades on your exam.
------You make the grade to reach the necessary standard to succeed.

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