Enlisting in the Marines with depression?

2015-05-01 8:36 pm
Ok so I went to the recruiting station and they said its possible. I have to wait 6 months with out meds and then send my med paperwork to MEPS and if I have to wait a year. Is there anything more I can do that would help. I know a guy that got in the army but didn't make it in basic and dropped out so if MEPs passed him threw then what. I'v taken the meds for years. Never had therapy for it, never put in a hospital, iv just taken the meds. my recruiter said its just going to take longer to get in. Is there anyway I could make it go faster.

回答 (3)

2015-05-01 10:27 pm

The problem is this...if you were taking the meds for YEARS then someone, maybe your family doctor, diagnosed you with depression and treated you FOR YEARS with prescription medication for depression.

AR 40-501, "Standards of Medical Fitness," page 15, Chapter 2-27, d:

"2–27. Learning, psychiatric and behavioral disorders

d. Current mood disorders including, but not limited to, major depression (296.2–3), bipolar (296.4–7), affective
psychoses (296.8–9), depressive not otherwise specified (311), do not meet the standard.

(1) History of mood disorders requiring outpatient care for longer than 6 months by a physician or other mental health professional (V65.40), or inpatient treatment in a hospital or residential facility does not meet the standard."

"outpatient care" means therapy OR medications. "for longer than 6 months" is very clear. The specification is "by a physician or other mental health professional" that means your friendly family doctor, a physician, who prescribed the anti-depressants.

The issue is being on the meds for years. You DO NOT get anti-depressants prescribed unless you have been diagnosed as being depressed. You were diagnosed as having depression by a physician. You were treated FOR DEPRESSION for YEARS (longer than 6 months) by a physician. You are permanently disqualified with no waiver possible.

The Recruiter is just being kind by telling you "come back after (insert period of time here)" so you will go away and leave him alone.

You are permanently DQ with no waiver possible. Sorry.
參考: 100% Disabled Vietnam Veteran - Navy Airborne Electronic Warfare Officer
2015-05-01 10:46 pm
If you already have an answer from your recruiter, there is no point in asking here. No one here will know as much as the recruiter, especially someone who hasn't been in the military for 40 years.
2015-05-01 8:56 pm
The other guy is your answer as to why they aren't going to rush it through. It takes quite a while for your body to clear itself of years of anti-depressants. And then they want to see if you stabilize or if you go spiraling back down. So, 6 months to a year is pretty normal. And you must do it with medical approval. You can't just stop cold turkey... your doc needs to wean you off and then have you come in for periodic checks.

For me... it usually takes about 5 months before I can feel the downward spiral. I was actually off of meds for almost 2 years before a huge stressor hit and had to go back on.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:43:14
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