Should my friend baptise her baby as a catholic?

2015-05-01 2:05 pm
My friend is a charismatic spirit filled christian. She has 2 children and the first one was baptised before she got saved. He also attends a catholic school. The second child is coming up to one year old, and she needs to sort out a school for him to attend. Should she baptise him as a catholic just to get him into a catholic school, even though she will just be raising him as a christian, but not a catholic one.

She has already had the 2 children dedicated at the church she attends. But they say they have to be catholic.


The school has told them they will only be accepted if the baby is christened a catholic

回答 (12)

2015-05-01 2:13 pm
Baptism does not make your baby a Catholic, it makes the baby a Christian. You only ever need one baptism whether you change churches or not. The sacrament that makes a young person a Catholic is Confirmation.
2015-05-01 2:06 pm
Sure, dunk the kid in "magic water" - rah, rah.
參考: Christian mythology.
2015-05-01 2:13 pm
As long as the child is baptized in the proper form (recognized by Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians and some Baptist denominations) the child will still be considered baptized as a Catholic. The reason for this is in your sentence, "...baptised before she got saved..." You see, you get saved by the Catholic Church whenever you get baptized in the proper form.

As far as Catholic school, you are not considered a Catholic family unless there's evidence that you attend Catholic Mass every Sunday. That evidence is usually by the offertory you donate every Sunday. So, if it's for tuition purposes, it won't make a difference just to baptize the child.

But it is the moral duty of the responsible adults to have the child baptized in the proper form in order to ensure their salvation for future years.
2015-05-01 2:10 pm
85% of holy water is contaminated with sh!t.

Yes xtians, dip your babies in sewage. Get them used to how they should be treating everyone else later in life.
2015-05-01 2:38 pm
When a child is baptized and the parents and grandparents take vows, it is a message to Satan that the child is off limits to him and belongs to God because the parents are promising to raise the child Christian and the parents denounce Satan. Satan might still be able to tempt him as,he does all Christians but he has limits because the child receives graces at baptism.

It sounds like your friend is really just wanting to get a lower tuition rate. Non-Catholic children can attend Catholic school but have higher tuition. What she is doing is dishonest and she is doing it for money. She should have the child baptised so that he will receive the graces, not so he will receive lower tuition fees.
2015-05-01 7:54 pm
2015-05-01 5:46 pm
The Charismatic Movement has touch the lives of some Catholics. My former pastor about ten years ago was charismatic. He would leadrayer services as would others in his absence. He would celebrate a weekday mass for the local catholic charismatics occasionally. He presided at conventional liturgies as well and did not teach that the o of way to be Catholic would be Charismatic.

The catholic church is not an either/or Church. It is both/and.

Some teachings of Protestant charismatics are contrary to Catholic teaching. Catholics in prayer with such Charismatics remember this and teach their children this.
2015-05-01 4:45 pm
You don't need to be Catholic to go to a Catholic school. There are many people who send their children to Catholic school simply for the education, no matter what they personally believe.
2015-05-01 2:54 pm
No, that is dishonest.
2015-05-01 2:40 pm
Don't baptise children! Let them grow up and if they decide to follow a faith, then let them. But children cannot make those educated decisions.
2015-05-01 2:13 pm
She should be honest. She is not!
2015-05-01 2:33 pm
Baptism is a nonsense practised by the deluded, Jesus is a good
example of this.

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