
2015-05-01 7:04 pm
"It wasn't anything the sub said was going to be on an exam,so we were trying to figure out how to make reading the ballot and scratching in our choices take the entire fifty period. "


請問make reading是什麼意思?

scratch 不是應該配 out嗎?scratch in 是什麼意思?

又,take在此 為何是 原形動詞?是配合哪個主詞?

我勉強的理解如下:so we were trying to figure out how to make reading the ballot and scratching in our choices {and took} the entire fifty period. "


The previous paragraph: It was the last month before the end of ninth grade.The substitute teacher was giving out ballots for spring dance court,something I'd normally have thought was lame.


Beth: 經過您的提示,我比較懂句子的意思了,是否如下: ....so we were trying to figure out how to make { reading the ballot and scratching in our choices } take the entire fifty period. " =>.....so we are trying to make { sth }take the entire fifty period. 前面已經有一個make,為什麼後 是take 而非{to take }or {taking}? Thanks!


經過Beth 的解釋,我的理解如下: Oops!原文少打了一個字! It wasn't like anything the sub said was going to be on an exam,so we were trying to figure out how to make reading the ballot and scratching in our choices take the entire fifty period. {看起來不會}有任何代課老師所說的考試,所以我們試著找出如何用解讀選票, 以及描繪出我們的選擇來佔滿這整整50分鐘的課程.


Sorry!網路不穩定,所以斷斷續續的打 ......so we are trying to make { sth }take the entire fifty period. 問題簡化如下: (1)是不是因為make 是使役動詞,所以後面take就要用原形動詞? (2)scratch out 是字典上的,scratch in是外國慣用的嗎?

回答 (4)

2015-05-01 8:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案

The meanings:-
Students probably think that they will never be exam.,
so students are trying to use votes
to make every proposed amendment
to make change in the schedule of a class
wholly or on every class.

"take" in the sentence means:-
Students (s) take(v) votings in 50 periods (o).
2015-05-02 6:39 pm
It wasn’t like anything the sub said was going to be on an exam, so we were trying to figure out how to make reading the ballot and scratching in our choices take the entire fifty minute period.

2015-05-02 2:29 am

2015-05-03 21:56:55 補充:
2015-05-01 8:26 pm
沒前後文我也不是非常懂這在說什麼, 但是我粗淺的理解是:
代課老師所教的考試一點都不會考, 所以我們試著找出如何用解讀選票, 以及描繪出我們的選擇來佔滿這整整50分鐘的課程.

2015-05-01 16:38:23 補充:
我也不是很確定啦. 我只能就我的語感來翻譯. It wasn't like anything the sub said was going to be on an exam -> It seemed that there was nothing the sub said was going to be on an exam. 看起來這個代課老師所講的不會有任何東西出現在考試上.

2015-05-01 16:42:23 補充:
, so 後面就如同你分析的一樣. 是的 make 後面要跟原型動詞, 所以這是 take 出現的原因. 至於 scratching in our choices 我認為要這樣斷句, (scratching) (in our choices) 也就是這裡用 in 的原因是因為the choices, 不是因為scratching in 是一個動詞片語.

2015-05-01 16:45:13 補充:
{看起來不會}有任何代課老師所說的考試的講法不是那樣. 會比較像是:
It wasn't like the exam (the sub said) was going to happen,

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