Is my budgie ok?

2015-04-30 11:54 pm
Hi so I adopted a budgie from petsmart about two months ago. I love her very much, she gets out of her cage once a day for about 1 hour to 30 min. She's super sweet and really friendly. Her name is angel. Anyways, Whenever I go to take Angel out she shivers a little. I've read that shivering is a sign of illness and I'm worried. Should I take her to the vet? There is one close by but I'm hesitant to go there because he broke my last bird's leg when taking off the leg band. My last bird was so stressed out from the splint that he died. It was really sad. So, should I take Angel to the same vet? Should I even take her to the vet? She seems fine other than the shaking as she is eating and drinking normally, her poop looks fine as well. Ok thanks! Also any recommendations to caring for her will be appreciated as well because I'm fairly new to owning budgies.

回答 (2)

2015-05-01 1:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
If she only shivers when you take her out of her cage, it doesn't seem to be a sickness. I would avoid the vet unless your sure there is a problem.

As a "new" bird owner you have to learn from observing just what is normal for your bird. Jut keep watching her, to learn her odd behavior habits.
2015-05-01 1:35 pm
Shaking...? How is her it in one piece and normal looking? If so, no vet needed. Hopefully it's not heavily inbred or anything.
Seeds, daily fresh water, cuddle bone, clean cage every few days. That's it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:44:37
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