Getting car insurance in USA?

2015-04-30 8:32 am
Is it possible for a Foreigner (I am British) to get car insurance in USA. My plan was to buy a car in america and drive it across america. All I want to know is, how do I get insured on a car?

回答 (11)

2015-04-30 10:38 am
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Yes, there are specialist insurance brokers who deal with higher risk/unusual proposals just as there are in the UK.

If you're visiting the USA under the Visa Waiver Scheme then as a UK citizen you can only stay for three months, although you get six months if you have any entitlement to an Irish passport. So you'd have to complete your journey within your visa limit. Short term insurance always costs far more proportionally than annual insurance.

But there is a potentially better and cheaper option. Americans move house, like anyone else, but it can be over much larger distances than in most other countries which many are unwilling to drive and a vehicle transporter is too expensive, so there are agencies which match cars which need relocation to drivers needing cheap transportation. You can often arrange a trip across the USA by linking various ferrying trips and the cars will already carry their own insurance because of the difference between the way car insurance works in the USA compared to the UK. You get to meet far more people and often stay overnight with them and you'll see parts of the USA most tourists never experience, although that's not always a good thing! Don't expect to get paid for transporting the vehicle though, as it's effectively free car rental, and so you'll usually be expected to pay for fuel, oil, and tyres if you puncture any, but you face the same costs on your original idea and likely in a risky cheap unreliable clunker as well.
2015-04-30 11:20 am
Yes it is possible. Simply contact any USA insurer. It will likely be expensive though because it will be short term. (Not because you are not a resident)
2015-04-30 10:44 am
Hi so here is what happens sunshine you get a rental car one of your choice yes they hire out just about anything. you drive across america and leave it in where ever most likely a Hertz dealers. simple logic really. several mates have done this already.
2015-04-30 10:30 am
What you are proposing to do on the face of it seems like a good idea but in practice it is virtually impossible. Just like in the UK you need an address for correspondence that you will not have of course. You do not have a UK licence making it even more difficult.
I have had friends who investigated this but found it was not worth the hassle.
You need to do a deal with a rental car company that is happy to do a long term rental and have you drop the car off on the other side of the US - that facility alone may cost around $1000 dollars. The car if a compact type can be rented for as little as £130 a week including all the insurance you might need.
Remember though that vast areas of the US are barren or plains growing masses of crops and they really are very boring for a tourist.
2015-04-30 8:50 am
Usually car rental companies will offer you insurance, it's more expensive, but it's better then nothing. If you will using a credit card as a payment method, then it will take care of the deductible in case of the accident.
Will be better if you contact a major insurance company before you rent a car. I'll try to post more updates later.

More details on how to rent a car in US you can find by clicking on the link below.
2016-08-12 12:42 am
I might suggest one to visit this internet site where you can compare quotes from different companies: http://INSURANCECOMPAREQUOTES.US/index.html?src=1YAwcorhRB86

RE :Getting car insurance in USA?
Is it possible for a Foreigner (I am British) to get car insurance in USA. My plan was to buy a car in america and drive it across america. All I want to know is, how do I get insured on a car?
Follow 11 answers
2016-08-08 9:59 am
I would recommend you to try this internet site where you can compare rates from different companies: http://INSURERATESNOW.INFO/index.html?src=1YA mbjmaDN40

RE :Getting car insurance in USA?
Is it possible for a Foreigner (I am British) to get car insurance in USA. My plan was to buy a car in america and drive it across america. All I want to know is, how do I get insured on a car?
Follow 10 answers
2015-04-30 5:43 pm
It will be short term and expensive,
Might be better off paying car rental insurance.....!
2015-04-30 5:11 pm
With a UK licence, it's not going to happen. Not for any reasonable amount of money, and not with any insurer you can actually trust. Just rent a vehicle and pay their outrageous optional damage insurance prices, because it will be cheaper and easier.

Auto insurance isn't done at the federal level in the USA, it's done at the state level. Each state has its own rules and requirements for auto insurance, and one of those requirements says that you must be a legal resident of their state and licensed in that state. If you don't meet those requirements, which you don't, only the ultra high-risk insurance companies will insure you. And you can guess what kind of prices the ultra high-risk companies charge.

Don't buy a car from anyone. Rent a car, pay the outrageous amount for the optional damage insurance, and you'll be happy. If you try to buy a car and insure it under a regular policy, it will be nothing but an endless nightmare.
2015-04-30 12:24 pm
I suggest that you buy an AAA membership. Automobile Club of America. they can help you with the purchase, getting the vehicle registered, getting a license plate, getting adequate auto insurance. And they can help plan your trip across the US.
2015-04-30 9:48 am
yes you do

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