Can i take birth control just so that i don't get my period for a trip I'm planning?

2015-04-30 3:06 am
Im planing a trip, and the week my boyfriend and I are so post to go in the week I'm due for my period (I'm always on time) and i just want to know if i can take birth control to keep me from getting it that week. Were going to be going to Maldives so a period and the beach won't be fun. The other days are more expensive, these days are cheaper thats why i don't just switch the dates. Please help

回答 (4)

2015-04-30 3:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you aren't on it currently and the trip is within three months it could be bad news bears. The first three months on the pill, it's common for your period to get very irregular and many times the first few months have weird periods that last two to three weeks (mine did - I had a two week period, then a week off, and then some weird spotting and it eventually regulated). If you're already on bc, taking the next set of active pills on the sugar pill week will stop your period, but you should check on it with your doctor before you do it. If not, and you're on your period, you can swim with a tampon in without issues.
2015-04-30 3:12 am
Yes. You can use the pill to stop your period. Just keep taking the active pills and skip the placebos. I do it all the time. It's totally safe.
2015-04-30 3:32 am
It may work. You need to explain to your gynecologist why you are using it so the doc can tell you how to take it hopefully avoid a period that week. But there are no guarantees. It takes a few months for your body to adjust to birth control pills. So you may still have breakthrough bleeding or even bleed every single day of the month. So if you have a few months before the trip, you should be okay. But if it's within one month it may not work at all.
2015-04-30 3:07 am
====>>tips --->>>>>

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