Replaced the housing of my toilet to low flow but now they don't have enough power to flush waste even with max water use setting, now what?

2015-04-29 5:18 am

回答 (6)

2015-04-29 7:08 pm
Put the old one back in. I installed a dual flush on mine. That gives me a choice between regular and low flow. No. 2 often needs a regular flush. Otherwise, you are not saving water when you have to flush 2 - 4 times. Something the manufacturer does not tell you. We did the same as you on a prior house. Biggest mistake ever.
參考: Experience.
2015-04-29 1:43 pm
Go back to the old housing.
2015-04-29 6:05 pm
You change it back. Low flow toilets seem like a good idea but this is a very common problem & a big reason most people hate them.
2015-04-29 9:34 am
contact either the " this old house " website or the manufacturer of the commode
2015-04-29 5:31 am
====>>tips --->>>>>
2015-04-29 5:53 am

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