Why are the rioters in Baltimore so cruel and not wanting to hear the truth?

2015-04-29 1:03 am
It's sad really but c'mon the folks in this city and around the world are praying and we all know that violence is NOT, I repeat, NOT, the answer, PERIOD end of story! Why do you think the rioters in Baltimore are so cruel?

回答 (10)

2015-04-29 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
the porch monkeys have no use for the truth....it's all loot and riot for any reason. they will never own up to all the problems that they cause!
2015-04-29 1:55 am
Ignorance !
2015-04-29 1:40 am
they are nothing more than common thugs.
2015-05-01 2:47 am
Martian king has sadly been forgotten.😪
2015-04-29 4:55 am
LOL.....sometimes it's important to educate yourself about a problem before asking a question. That way the right question is asked.
2015-04-29 4:17 am
2015-04-29 1:07 am
feel like the rioters are on their own memo, separate from the protesters.
2015-04-29 3:10 am
Obama wants to take the guns away from law abiding Americans and give them to the NAACP to support there revolution.
2015-04-29 1:31 pm
The only want to hear what they want to hear --
2015-04-29 1:28 am
Obama is one of them


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