Who you guys got to win the NBA Finals?

2015-04-28 11:48 am

回答 (16)

2015-04-28 5:53 pm
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Well I know it's deffinatly not going to be the bucks or the Hawks the way they are going. Probably Cavs or Bulls winning the east and golden state winning the west. If the Cavs wik the east they will probably win it all but Is they lose it will be golden state
2015-04-29 1:04 pm
Golden State Warriors over Washington Wizards (1st time in 40 years - 1975)
2015-04-29 1:20 am
I had the Celtics sooo..
2015-04-28 6:39 pm
If Lebron James wants to get to the finals he should buy a ticket
2015-04-28 4:40 pm
The way the Cavs are playing right now, it seems they will plow through the East with plenty left in their tank for the Finals. The West is a dog fight so whoever comes out of the West will be quite beat. With those assumptions, the Cavs are my favorite to go all the way.
參考: IG: @justin_nnn
2015-04-28 12:57 pm
The Cleveland Cavaliers
2015-04-28 2:10 pm
2015-05-02 2:07 am
2015-04-30 9:16 am
Bulls , Warriors, Cavs
2015-04-30 4:24 am
2015-04-28 11:13 pm
Golden State Warriors
2015-04-28 7:34 pm
Cavs in 5 or 6
2015-04-30 6:23 am
2015-04-29 1:48 am
I want Milwaukee. If I had money on it though I'd say Golden State.
2015-04-29 2:43 am
Top 5:

GSW Doesn't have what it takes....(Play wise) after the running and shooting is done or is not working(Meaning shooting 3s),what's your game plan....
2015-04-28 10:12 pm
San Antonio Spurs....!!

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