
2015-04-27 12:51 pm
剛剛在讀 好來屋 花邊新聞時候讀到這一句:

“Let’s give it up for Secret Service. I don’t want to be too hard on those guys. They’re the only law-enforcement agency in the country that will get in trouble if a black man gets shot,” Cecily Strong said ...

1. 整句是在說神啊?
2. "let's give it up for Secret Service." 是神意思啊?

回答 (6)

2015-04-29 11:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
“Let’s give it up for Secret Service.

I don’t want to be too hard on those guys.

They’re the only law-enforcement agency in the country that will get in trouble if a black man gets shot,” Cecily Strong said ...
如果一個黑人被槍殺 他們是在這個國家唯一一個為因此遭受到麻煩的立法機構

這裡give it up 是指讚揚的意思
參考: 出國讀書的我
2015-05-06 5:01 am
2015-04-27 5:37 pm
Jim-歸鄉樂 ( 知識長 ), I have a feeling that prisoner was actually referring to
not giving away the hidden meaning so early.
2015-04-27 4:09 pm

Cecily Strong said that
(1)A black man was shot dead by law enforcement unit
(2)They are the only unit being criticized
(3)I won't be too harsh on them.
(4)Let us applause president's Secret Service.
(5)By "Give it a clap" for Secret Service. for BLACK president Obama,
(6)Not the BLACK outside.
(7)Let's give it (Not up) a clap.
=Obama for (1)
=Secret Service for (2)
=Inversion=Under Obama Secret Service protects !!!!!!!! for (3)
2015-04-27 2:02 pm
2. "let's give it up for Secret Service." 是神意思啊?

1.讓我們掌聲鼓勵一下總統特勤人員.我對這些人不會太苛刻,牠們是全國唯一會因一個黑人被槍殺而被詬病的執法單位. Cecily Strong說道.

This is a satire.....

(美國近來因警查槍殺黑人被大眾指責詬病,而美國總統是黑人,被開槍還得了,Secret service佑也是執法單位,所以,你知道的.......)

2015-04-27 09:13:28 補充:
Give it away? did you mean "give it up"?

2015-04-27 17:22:15 補充:
Wow, blunt and bold. Brazen and unshy!!!!! that's the way to survive in this world of raging whirlwind.
2015-04-27 2:05 pm
why did you have to give it away so early?

2015-04-27 10:26:20 補充:
I think Jim dude was talking about my virginity.

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