Do you think its wise to borrow money to start a business? To finance material cost. Rent space travelling expenses etc.?

2015-04-24 1:28 pm

回答 (7)

2015-04-24 3:12 pm
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Yes. Borrowing money to start a business is called 'Leverage'. I can not name a single business I know of (studied) that did not start off with some kinds of loans.

Additionally, I challenge you to find a business that does not carry some type of open loan or line of credit as a common daily cost of doing business.

Interest on business loans are 100% tax deductible so it is, in some ways, better to take out a loan to preserve cash flow as opposed to tying up every cent you have in a business venture.
2015-04-24 1:29 pm
Most business get a business loan to get started.
2015-04-24 11:57 pm
Yes and be sure to incorporate.
2015-04-24 7:02 pm
It is better to borrow money for the business and keep your own money as a cushion to meet emergencies.You have to prepare a detailed project report, to know the amount to be borrowed.
2015-04-24 6:07 pm
It is a gamble but sometimes it is necessary to get started.
2015-04-24 1:33 pm
Sure. If nothing else, you were able to prove to an investor/bank that you have a viable business plan.
2015-04-24 1:56 pm
very unlikely you will be approved for much if anything - you need to have a decent amount of your own money and especially to live on because it may be awhile before you can pay yourself any kind of salary

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