DOES IT BOTHER YOU that you were NEVER ASKED if you wanted to be born or not and perhaps you didn't, so your parents violated your desire?

2015-04-24 10:47 am

回答 (10)

2015-04-24 11:00 am
And even if you DID want to be born, they never asked you if you wanted to be a boy or girl!
2015-04-24 10:48 am
yes they shoudlve asked!
2015-04-24 10:58 am
Life starts out unfair as ****. Its either a blessing or a curse from there.
2015-04-24 10:50 am
2015-04-24 10:48 am
2015-04-24 11:59 am
In my understanding its not up to our parents. We are born on earth in accordance to our give and take accounts., aka karma. At the time of conception millions of subtle bodies (spirits) compete to gain entry into an embryo in order to be born on earth so as to experience worldly life.But it is only the subtle body that is destined to enter an embryo that will get birth on Earth. There are a variety of factors that decide who gets born on earth but Our give-and-take account is the single most important factor that decides the time period when we are born on Earth and into which family etc. Our give-and-take account decides the time of our conception right up to the year, month, hour, minute and second. This means that we take birth on Earth during that period when it is most conducive for us to complete a maximum amount of our accumulated give-and-take account. Hence we are born at the same time when those people with whom we have major give-and-take accounts with are also on earth.
2015-04-24 10:50 am
No. I kinda like being alive.
2015-04-24 10:49 am
No, accidents happen...
2015-04-24 10:48 am
How can they ask you if you didn't exist until you're born? Lol.
2015-04-24 10:54 am
One can't exactly violate a desire that doesn't exist, can they?

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