Isn't that cat just so adorbable!?

2015-04-24 4:09 am
Look how cutely its sitting ahh :D

回答 (9)

2015-04-24 4:10 am
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Super adorable. It looks like it's a heartless cat, but it's such a sweetie.
2015-04-24 4:12 am
Giggles...yes...dogs love to share with ! ~~*
2015-04-24 4:12 am
Yeah, it looks pissed off though.
2015-04-24 4:10 am
yes :)
2015-04-24 4:21 am
What does it do?
2015-04-24 4:16 am
Yes hihihih
2015-04-24 4:14 am
2015-04-24 4:13 am
2015-04-24 4:35 am
Yes! It looks like one we used to have. He escaped the house and ran into traffic. He got hit by a white Toyota Avalon.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:43:59
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