Questions to ask my class about Medieval Pilgrimage?

2015-04-23 4:39 pm
Hey, all so I'm teaching a class on Medieval Pilgrimage, and I want to ask them some questions about medieval pilgrimage that will spark a discussion and a debate, anyone got any ideas to add to the ones I already have :)

回答 (3)

2015-04-23 4:54 pm
As with any tour guide anticipate and answer questions about personal safety, meals enroute, and sleeping accommodations. What to pack would be good too
2015-04-23 6:15 pm
Ask them why do they think people went on those pilgrimages, how do you think they travelled, what would they eat, where would they stay? What would they take for self protection? What would they tell their neighbors when they got back? What suvenieners would they take home with them? What would their neighbors think of the returned pilgrims? If you haven t already, mention Chaucers "Canterbury Tales", and how pilgrimages were often seen as adventures.
2015-04-23 4:49 pm
All I have so far are just a few questions regarding the reading I set the class

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