
2015-04-23 6:24 pm
媽媽叫我下午cut d paper,我整個下午無cut d paper,到左晚上七時二十分,我同媽媽講"I forgot to cut the paper this afternoon." 想問問大家係這個情況下用過去式有無問題。

回答 (5)

2015-04-23 8:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
沒問題,晚上和下午是兩個不一樣的時間,“this afternoon"即表示”今天下午” 即以過去,所以用“Forgot”是沒錯的。
2015-04-25 10:14 pm
無問題!你係下午無cut d paper,到左晚上七時二十分才同媽媽講,這個情況下用過去式無問題。
參考: Me
2015-04-24 11:36 am
Whether you cut or not cut poster:-
I have not cut the dpaper for many-a-this afternoon including 19:20 lee .

Mom, I have not been cutting d-paper since this afternoon including 19:20 lee !
2015-04-23 7:02 pm
我覺得冇問題。如果想穩陣d,用prensent perfect tense咪得囉 :)
參考: myself and i have interracted with expats for years
2015-04-23 6:26 pm


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