
2015-04-24 5:40 am
(1) 人們喜歡跳舞是能夠放鬆心情讓自己有自信


回答 (6)

2015-04-24 9:25 pm
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(1) 人們喜歡跳舞是能夠放鬆心情讓自己有自信.


1. The reason why people like to dance is that it reduces anxiety and builds

2. The reason why people don’t like to dance is that they are afraid of their
poor dancing skills.
參考: Myself :)
2015-04-27 7:02 pm
但是怕自己跳得不夠好 為什麼? 因為沒自信.

2015-04-27 11:12:30 補充:
小 ( 初學者 5 級), 人跳舞很多原因 列出幾個供您參考:
1. Great ways to meet people in a non-threatening, relaxed social atmosphere.
2. Dancing is a safe way to exercise.
3. Dancing burns a lot of calories.
4. Dancing is a way to get back in the swing of things.
(I mean if you are recovering from an injury.)

2015-04-27 11:23:36 補充:
人「不」跳舞的原因 列出幾個供您參考:

1. They don’t want to look silly dancing. They don’t like feeling awkward and
2. It's a wrong perception in some culture, if the man dances and enjoys it, he
might be homosexual. 但是 The truths are that women love men who dance
with them.
2015-04-24 4:22 pm
(1) 人們喜歡跳舞是能夠放鬆心情讓自己有自信
Those who enjoy dancing, dance to relax themselves and gain self-esteem.

Those who do not enjoy dancing, lose confidence in dancing.
2015-04-24 11:21 am

(1)People like to dance so as to relax with self-confidence.

(2)People don't like to dance as they are afraid of no self-reliance but diffidence !
2015-04-24 6:12 am
A good dancer dances well.

2015-05-14 19:10:32 補充:
(X) dancing good enough

(O) dancing well enough
2015-04-24 6:07 am
(1) 人們喜歡跳舞是能夠放鬆心情讓自己有自信
People like to dance because dancing helps them to relax and build self-confidence.
They don't like dancing because they are afraid they are not dancing good enough.

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