Is it okay to stay single at 24?

2015-04-22 4:51 pm

回答 (13)

2015-04-22 5:00 pm
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Yeah. You have more freedom, independence and more things to do.

You don't have to be in one to be happy. Just focus on you and the career you are going to do. Make money and get a living. Then the right person will come at the right time.
2015-04-22 4:55 pm
There is no rush to get with anyone. If you don't have your eye on anyone special then don't go after them. Only get in a relationship when your ready for one. Or else it will feel really bad
2015-04-22 5:43 pm
most people are still single at 24 - what;s the hurry to get married?
2015-04-22 4:56 pm
Of course it is. In fact its ok to stay single for your entire life if that's what you wish to do.
2015-04-23 11:53 am
You can get rid of a man almost any time you want - but kids will be around for decades.
2015-04-23 2:39 am
Absolutely it's fine nothing wrong with it.
2015-04-22 8:17 pm
its fine if its your choice :)
2015-04-22 5:56 pm
Pls ansewr mine again i couldnt fit some important stuff in
2015-04-22 5:21 pm
Yes it is okay, there is nothing wrong with it.
2015-04-22 4:58 pm
Its OK to be single at any age unless you are moping around at home complaining about being alone, in which case you should do something about it.
2015-04-22 4:57 pm
it's always okay to be single.
2015-04-22 4:56 pm
Better to be single than in a crappy relationship.
2015-04-22 4:56 pm
Sure. ach person has thier priorities in life, so marriage can come later for them based on what thye want to achieve in thier career and education, etc. so there's no set rule on when you should get married. it all depends on what you find important in life.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:40:55
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