有關English Grammar 問題想問問

2015-04-23 12:15 am
我丟左我幾隻錶,d錶係我既,隔左一陣我同我朋友講"I have thrown away watches." 想問問咁樣講有無問題。

回答 (3)

2015-04-23 1:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yeah, it is wrong....

"I have thrown away watches"
1. Article. Without article? That's not correct. When you go without articles means that you want to express "watches" without specifying those are YOUR watches.

so...please use "my watches"

2. You didn't throw your watches away. If you say that "I have thrown my watches", you mean that you intentionally get rid of them, which is not your original thought.

You have lost them

so, please say " I have lost my watches"
參考: I am a billingual
2015-04-23 11:18 pm
你應該講: "You have thrown the watches away." 咁樣比較順口一D

2015-04-23 15:19:56 補充:
Sorry, I have thrown the watches away.
2015-04-23 10:02 am
lose=to lose something=watch=11 watches=?? thrown away 11 watches=non-idiomatic saying=,mislay, misplace, miss....idiomatic saying
I have lost 11 watches for the present perfect tense written as I have thrown away 11 watches since time- immemorial !

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