「不強求一定要」 英文文法檢查及建議

2015-04-22 2:52 pm



I have no particular thoughts on the wedding!
I might only do a private party, not necessarily a weddings .


Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.

回答 (3)

2015-04-22 5:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
「不強求一定要」= not a must.不妨把婚禮wedding,和婚宴banquet分開處理。I prefer a private and simple wedding ceremony. Banquet is not a must.
2015-04-22 4:18 pm
I have no particular thoughts (=special ideas) on the wedding !
I might only( have) a private party;
not necessarily try to be sure to have a wedding ceremony.
2015-04-22 3:10 pm
你的原句除了a weddings的錯誤以外,應該是對的.

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