english 有字5明help

2015-04-22 7:25 am
1.although she passed away,her relics were retained by her family.
2.to be a good man,we need to retain our correct value.

回答 (2)

2015-04-25 4:57 pm
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1. “although she passed away, her relics were retained by her family”.- 錯
2 .”to be a good man, we need to retain our correct value.” - 不對

1 用錯 relics 字
用 personal belongings 便可以

relics 遺蹟, 遺物 (多數不是普通單獨個人, 並且古老) 神聖的遺物
- an object, tradition, or system from the past that continues to exist:
- a part of the body or something that belonged to a holy person:

Although she passed away, her personal belongings were retained by her family

假定 she 是 Mary
Mary passed away, but her personal belongings were retained by her family.

2. 用字不大對
man (singular) 和we (plural) 不相稱, we是否不包括女性?
什麼是correct value? Be more specific (明確些,具體些)
To be a good person, 想做好人 (現在未必是)
Being a good person, 是好人, 要支持, 維護, 保有, 留住 value (因為已經有)

Just a suggestion:
Being a good person, one needs to uphold the ethical value

ethical (adj.)
- connected with principles of what is right and wrong 關於倫理的
~ morally good or correct 合乎道德的; 正確的

uphold (v) = 支持, 維護

3. meant 是 past tense, past participle of the verb “mean”

mean 是 base form, 最簡單那個 form
means (he, she, it ) 第三者 present simple tense 用
meaning (present participle),
meant (past tense),
meant (past participle)

do, does, doing, did, done

What does this word mean?
I don't understand what you mean.
This job means a lot to me. (第三者用 means)

He said he loved me, but I don’t think he meant it
~ said, loved 和 meant 都是 past tense

It was only meant as a joke.
~ meant 是 past participle, 用來 form passive voice (be + past participle)

It has meant so much to me.
~ meant 是 past participle, 用來 form present perfect (has/have + past participle)

mean 可以做 adjective, = 卑鄙的; 刻薄的, 吝嗇的,小氣的
It was mean of him not to invite you to the party.

mean 可以做 noun, = 平均值
Take ten values and calculate the mean
參考: Oxford English Dictionary;Yahoo Dictionary
2015-04-22 9:24 am
(1)relics retained=a relic for the past=memento, remnant, souvenir, token,= eg:-a golden jewel ornament from her husband.eg:-Although she passed away, her relics were retained by her family(=her husband)

---correct value==>moral value
---To be a good man, we need to (----) keep our correct value
---retain=keep control of, ,maintain, preserve,
---Throughout the city riot, he (----)keeps control of his protest/ violence.
----retain=keep in mind, memorize
----He (----) keeps in mind everything he holds.
Better sentence would be:-To be a good man, we need to appreciate our moral values.

(3)mean verb; What do mean by the word "communication" ?------------------- What does that sentence mean ?-------=indicates
--------------------I mean to work hard for that high salary.-----=intend
--------------------The job means working for 16 hrs. per day !
-----meant =has meant --->present perfect tense----->
-----eg:-The job has meant working long hours in building railways.
-----eg:-The job has meant no salary if once closed down in ATV now.
-----eg:- What does closed down meant for those staff in ATV ?-----eg:-What have that symbol (#)meant ?

2015-04-22 08:41:01 補充:
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