Eng pls urgent !

2015-04-21 3:16 am
The sun then heats the rocks, causing faster melting.

Why :

cause use -ing form

what is the function of this ?

How to use this language pattern ?

thank your kind help :)

回答 (1)

2015-04-21 6:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
Cause use -ing form is it replace 'which'. It means that if -ing form is not used, the sentence will be 'The sun then heats the rocks, which cause faster melting.' 呢個係defining causes 嘅用法

function: 補充資料, 補充咗 sun cause faster melting of the rocks

how to use? 比個例子你
Mary's brother spilled his drink on her homework, making her feel very annoyed with her.
參考: myself:)

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