
2015-04-21 12:53 am
我係下午三點鐘丟棄d產品,宜家係三點零一分,我係這一刻講"I have just thrown
away products." 有無問題。

回答 (5)

2015-04-21 12:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
No problem.

It is extremely correct.

2015-04-20 16:57:39 補充:
Because the time you thrown away the product is just a minute ago.

2015-04-20 16:59:14 補充:
Because the time you thrown away the product is just a minute ago.

But I think if you rewrite to sentence to 'I have just thrown away SOME products' will be much more better.
2015-04-22 6:25 am
"I have just thrown
away the products." 無問題。
2015-04-22 2:20 am

I had just thrown away products.

I had just threw away products.
參考: Me
2015-04-21 8:22 am
I have just thrown away (all) the products.
I have already thrown away (all) the products.

This time uses "Just"---"already" section in method.
Not the "for"---"since" section in method.
Because thrown out=thrown away as told by you !!!
2015-04-21 3:18 am
You should add 'the' before 'products' 因為那些產品是指你丟棄的產品,是指定的

"I have just thrown the products away " will be better

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