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Sentences with more than one clause:-
Complex sentence:-Main Clause + one or more subordinate (dependent) clauses
Various concepts can be expressed with different adverb clauses:-condition, manner---result,concession----manner, result-----
Adverbial clauses are subordinate (dependent) clauses which perform the same function of adverbs.
If adverbial clauses may be reduced by changing them into (1)single adverb,(2)infinitive phrase,(3) participial phrase/phrase containing a gerund;so does one clause contains one finite verb.
The sentence is a complex sentence with 3 clauses (one clause contains one finite verb):-
(1) main clause:-We see someone-------(adv cl of condition+manner)
(2) dependent clause---(that) we know-----(adv cl of result,+concession)
--------------------------------------------------------(that)=relative pronoun
(3) sub.cl-----whenever we come here-------(adv cl of manner+result)
(4)You should analyse now.What did your analysis of the sentence show before?:-(1)mc---sv, (2)dep.c as obj.case---sv, (3)sub.c as obj.case---sv
2015-04-21 20:41:59 補充:
If no that (1), then (1+2)(someone we knew)=adj.cl.qualifying subj(we) on what (we see) the verb to be analysed !