My friend shoplifted?
So my best friend for almost 11 years has been talking and joking around about shoplifting but now she actually did! She stole 5 VS bras and some lotions, underwear and a $400 DRESS! Even though I wasn't with her I still feel really guilty but I cannot tell anyone because she goes to a really expensive boarding school and she could be kicked out and I don't want her to get in trouble with the law.. How can I cope with this?
回答 (5)
Pretend like you don't know about it! It isn't your problem, and u don't wanna sell her out
You need to tell her that you can't go to stores with her because if she gets caught shoplifting, you may be arrested also, because the cops may believe you are a "lookout" and your future is too important to you.
You suck at picking friends and when you are busted with her the nest time she steals you will have wished you said something.
Unless you report what you know, you're as guilty of the crime as she is - and are subject to the same penalties!
Do you want a bit of advice? DO NOT GO SHOPPING WITH HER. Don't accept any "gifts" from her either. If you are with her when she's stealing, you will also be arrested. If you take anything from her and it's proven to be stolen YOU will be charged with receiving stolen goods.
Your friend needs to understand this isn't a game. You are now in a tough spot. You can either keep quiet (not a good idea) or tell her knock it off or you'll have to stop hanging out with her. Be blunt - you don't want to get arrested because of her.
You really need to talk to your mom about this. It's too much to hold in on your own.
收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:39:30
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