Splat hair disaster?!?! Help?!?

2015-04-20 12:08 am
Me and my friend dyed the tips of our hair using the splat hair dye in blue. I don't like mine. How long will it last in our medium brown hair? We didn't bleach our hair. Anyone know any simple remedies to help get the color out??? Please help I need the color gone. Please!!!

回答 (2)

2015-04-20 12:11 am
If it's permanent dye, it will never fade completely unless you bleach it out or dye over it in a darker colour.
Keep washing it so it will fade. Dish soap helps to remove dye, but it's bad for your hair.
2015-04-20 12:08 am
Wash it,

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 01:39:04
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