english problem usege HELP

2015-04-20 6:24 am
1.what fascinates ___ is___ 點解?點用?
3.gritty=brave? firemen are so brave可5可以講 firemen are so gritty?
4.the gritty concrete obstacles甘樣寫有冇問題?可5可以2個adj.擺埋一齊?
5.spectacular可以形容d咩?the film is spectacular.is it correct? spectacular有邊d同義詞?

回答 (3)

2015-04-20 2:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. What fascinates (object pronoun, person) is (something)
什麼讓(我, 你, 他, 她, 我們, 他們, 人) 著迷是(某物)

What fascinates me is the grandeur of the Alps =
The grandeur of the Alps fascinates me.

Note: grandeur (abstract noun) = 雄偉

2. spiritual 完全地不同 mental
spiritual = 精神上, 神聖的, 崇高的 ~ 多數與 religion, 精神上 (as opposite to body) 有關
spiritual leader, spiritual experience, spiritual journey, spiritual awakening

mental = 心智的, 精神病的, 心理的 ~ 多數與 health, state of mind 有關
mental hospital, mental picture, mental arithmetic, mental collapse

3. gritty 少少不同 brave
gritty 和 brave 在英漢字典解”勇敢的”, 但是 gritty 比較少形容人 (不是沒有)
gritty + determination, realism, reality, drama
brave 可以形容人, 我們形容 firemen are so brave, 我第一次見 firemen are so gritty

4. .the gritty concrete obstacles ~ 是無問題, 2個adj. 可以擺埋一齊
其他的例子:- a charming young girl (charming 和 young 都是 adjective)

5. The film is spectacular. ~ correct

spectacular coastline, countryside, mountain, sunset, view, waterfall, scenery
spectacular show, display, feat, sight, stunt, performance
spectacular result, growth, success, goal, gain

同義詞 (adjective)
impressive, dazzling, imposing, breathtaking, majestic, awe-inspiring

2015-04-20 20:59:47 補充:
參考: Longman English Dictionary
2015-04-20 9:22 am

1 Determiner or article (this, that, a, an, the)
2 Opinion adjective (polite, cute)
3 Size (tall, short; thin, slim; long, short; fat, huge)
4 Shape (oval, square)


2015-04-20 01:22:52 補充:
5 Age (young, old)
6 Colour (red, blue)
7 Nationality (Chinese, English)
8 Religion (Christian, Moslem)
9 Material (wood, metal)
10 Noun used as an adjective
2015-04-20 7:28 am

english problem usage HELP !
(1)What fascinates me is his bewitched tales.
=He fascinates me with his enchanted tales.

(2)Are spiritual or world-values more important ?
=Religious devoted more or money more ?
---Mental= a mental condition
=He must be mental,psychological,temperamental !!!

(3)gritty=grit n.:-informal usage=grit in facing danger.
---courage= They've courage&guts.-----informal. usage.
---brave=>bravery n,:-Everyone praised firemen's bravery and their brave,heroic act.

(4)gritty adj.:-The gritty concrete obstacles
=gritty, grainy, granular obstacles on the main road.
---concrete adj.:-material, objective, visible.
---adjective is word which qualifies or limits noun, used adjectivally.

(5)spectacular adj.;-The film is spectacular means a spectacular film display.The synonyms :-breathtaking, colorful, dramatic, impressive, magnificent,
Can be used to describe a spectacular building.also in selling advertisement !!!

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