問問一d英文Grammar 問題

2015-04-19 8:28 pm
我visit Apple House 個陣睇到一個靚女。我宜家visit 完Apple House 無耐,想問問我宜家講"I just visited Apple House. I saw a woman which was beautiful." 有無唔妥。

回答 (5)

2015-04-28 8:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The correct sentence should be:
I have just visited Apple House.I saw a beautiful lady there.
2015-04-22 2:29 am
I had just visit Apple House . In the Apple House , I saw a woman who was beautiful and pretty
參考: Me
2015-04-20 4:47 am
I have just seen a beautiful lady since I have visited for Apple House(=April House?)

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2015-04-19 11:26 pm

I have just visited Apple house. I saw a woman who is beautiful.

文句可以講係無錯, 不過寫法可以再簡單的.

I have just visited Apple house and saw a beautiful woman \ lady.
參考: 自己
2015-04-19 9:52 pm
I have just visited Apple House. There I saw a woman who is beautiful.

"have just visited" 係用左present perfect tense
"who" 係用作對人物加以解釋
"is" 係因為果個woman唔係果刻先至beautiful,所以唔用"was"


2015-04-20 18:54:47 補充:
我好似真係寫得複雜左d ==
參考: me

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