請幫忙翻譯為英文信,謝~ (10點)

2015-04-19 7:10 am
致人事部 / 會計部:

回答 (3)

2015-04-19 6:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
致人事部 / 會計部:
To Personal or Accounting Department
As long as my departing for almost half year, I do find that none of my last salary in the form of cheque being deposited into my bank account; and also, the bank doesn't accept that cheque. Owing to that, I would like to ask your company to take necessary action either to change my cheque or depositing my salary directly into my bank account. Many thanks.
參考: Myself and Dictionary
2015-04-24 3:05 am
Induced HR / Accounting department:I left the company has more than half a year, but recently discovered yet will finally pay check is deposited in a bank, the check is not a bank to accept the request of your company, to replace checks or salary to my account for me, thank you
參考: Baidu
2015-04-19 9:28 pm
Caused by the Ministry of Personnel / Accounting Department:
I left your company has more than six months, but only recently have not yet found the final salary check in the bank, the bank has not been accepted by check now, so request a check or replace your help, I will pay for my deposit account , THX.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 19:09:47
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