
2015-04-19 6:48 am

1) 請提供以下文件,並且發出電郵比Amy小姐, 叫amy小姐轉寄給我

2) amy 小姐話$100 已經收哂錢, 點解係賬目仍未清?

3) $200 是否附加按金, 點解會咁多? 是否入錯數目?


回答 (8)

2015-04-26 6:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
中轉英1) 請提供以下文件,並且發出電郵比Amy小姐, 叫amy小姐轉寄給我
Please issue the document below and email it to Amy for forwarding to me.
2) amy 小姐話$100 已經收哂錢, 點解係賬目仍未清?
Amy told me that the payment of $100 had been received. Why is it still unpaid in the statement(outstanding in the accounts)?
3) $200 是否附加按金, 點解會咁多? 是否入錯數目?Is the amount of $200 an additional deposit? Why is it so much? Is it a wrong entry?
2015-04-26 7:38 am

1) 請提供以下文件,並且發出電郵比Amy小姐, 叫amy小姐轉寄給我

2) amy 小姐話$100 已經收哂錢, 點解係賬目仍未清?

3) $200 是否附加按金, 點解會咁多? 是否入錯數目?


My answers:
1) Please provide the following documents, and would you like to send an email to Miss Amy and ask her to forward to me please?

2) Miss Amy said she has well received the payment of $100, why does she say there is still a pending settlement?

3) Is $200 the correct deposit, why is it too much? Is this a wrong amount?
參考: By myself and dictionary
2015-04-26 7:00 am
chinese to English ~ thx

1) Please provide the following documents and send the mail than Miss Amy, called Miss amy forwarded to me

2) amy Miss contempt, then $ 100 has received the money, Why has not cleared the accounts department?

3) whether an additional $ 200 deposit, Why would Han much? Are the numbers wrong?

參考: me
2015-04-20 1:31 am
1) Please provide the following document,and send the email to Ms Amy. Hence,tell her to forward to me
2) Ms Amy says/said she has received/had received the $100, why does/did the accounting isn't/aren't/wasn't/weren't clear yet?
3) Is the $200 an attached deposit,and why are there so many? Did he/she enter the wrong amount?
2015-04-19 11:24 pm
Please kindly email the following documents to Amy with copy to me ( more direct than instruct Amy to forward it to me)

Amy's record shows $100 has already been paid but your record shows balance of $100. Please double check this.

Please clarify and advise what $200 is for.

2015-04-19 8:37 am

(1)Please provide the following documents, and send out an email via Miss Amy to me.

(2)Miss Amy has well received payment $100. Why she says there is still an outstanding ,pending account statement to be settled ?

(3)Is $200 the correct deposit, or is it too much as to be a wrong figure declared ?
2015-04-19 7:01 am
1) Please provide the following documents and send the mail than Miss Amy, called Miss amy forwarded to me

2) amy Miss contempt, then $ 100 has received the money, Why has not cleared the accounts department?

3) whether an additional $ 200 deposit, Why would Han much? Are the numbers wrong?
2015-04-19 6:58 am
1) please provide the following documents, and would you like to send an e-mail to miss Amy and ask her to forward to me please ?
2) Miss Amy has well received the payment of $100, why she says there is still a pending settlement?
3) Is $200 the correct deposit, is it too much or this is a wrong figure?

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