So I lost my iPod and it s password protected. I put it in lost mode so it ll play sounds when it connects to internet.?

2015-04-17 10:30 pm
How will it connect to the internet? I really need to know if I can find it again.

回答 (2)

2015-04-17 11:33 pm
that means it will make noises say if someone stole it not to worry you though but if he or she goes some where and enters a place where they have unlocked wifi it will make noises or if it is just in a place where the wifi is unlocked it will make noises also.
2015-04-17 11:25 pm
Did you loose it where you live or in a public place?
If you lost it where you live, then maybe it will connect to the Internet in a few hours.
If you lost it somewhere else where you never connected it to the Internet, you won't find it.

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