If I shave my body hair, will the hair on my scalp grow thicker?

2015-04-17 3:45 pm

回答 (8)

2015-04-17 5:36 pm
No. It'll grow back thicker in the area you shaved probably but not on your head
2015-04-17 5:28 pm
No, it won't.The two are independent
2015-04-17 4:14 pm
No it will not.
2015-04-17 4:10 pm
No; it will have no effect on the hair on your head. They're not exactly connected, after all.
2015-04-17 4:06 pm
shaving body hair has nothing to do with head hair
2015-04-17 3:46 pm
if you shave hair off your body, why would your scalp hair grow thicker ??
2015-04-17 3:46 pm
No. The number and vigour of your scalp hair follicles will be unaffected by what you do to your body hair.
2015-04-17 3:45 pm
What do you think?

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