
2015-04-18 6:04 am

…本升降機最多乘載8人…... 8persons...為什麼這裏用 persons 而不是 people ?

回答 (2)

2015-04-18 7:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
The plural form persons is used in some formal language.

You are right to confuse this.

I have checked two online dictionaries for you.

One of them says "The plural form persons is used in some formal language."

Another dictionary's definition shows that " person, plural- people or formal or law persons)
參考: Cambridge online dictionary , Oxford online dictiony
2015-04-18 7:07 am
The plural form of "person" is usually "people".

However, "persons" can also be used, but only in public notices and other formal contexts.

• All persons born in the United States are citizens of the United States.
參考: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 21:03:38
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