Should I become a street hooker?

2015-04-16 9:55 pm
not the most rewarding work but I'm just dead enough to do it!

回答 (15)

2015-04-16 9:59 pm
"Should I become a street hooker?"

You have that choice if you so desire. Just don't blame anyone else, including men for the outcome please. And this includes mythical boogie-men like the "patriarchy". Unless the "patriarchy" is here today to tell you directly to become a street hooker and denying you any other choice ... then the choice is yours.

You make the choice, you live with the consequences.
2015-04-16 10:29 pm
Why not? I hear they make a good wage.

You could even work your way up the ladder and become a pimp, then hire male prostitutes and call them your "bitches". Something tells me you would enjoy that line of work.
2015-04-16 11:35 pm
God love you, but I fear for your Johns. First guy who says the wrong thing will get punched in the throat. And the wrong thing just might be "how much"?


Maybe just take some feel good pharmaceuticals first, okay?
2015-04-17 10:51 am
No a call girl escort is safer and makes more Money
2015-04-17 4:04 am
You're obviously NOT dead and I don't think most street hookers are, in fact, deceased.

I'm not sure where the train went off the tracks with you.
2015-04-16 11:47 pm
If you want to pursue a career in prostitution there are a lot of better ways to go about it. Going out on the street alone, will get you raped, robbed, beaten, and arrested. Possibly all on the same night!! You need a pimp. Then HE will do the raping, take your money, and slap you around. He might pay your bail money however, assuming you are a good enough earner. The legal Nevada brothels claim they have a long waiting list of girls, but you might apply anyway. Most escort services have a number to call, if you want to work for them. They usually screen clients, and furnish a "driver".
2015-04-16 10:50 pm
If you're going to be a prostitute, you would be much better off doing it in Las Vegas at a legal brothel. Those girls tend to have better lives and are more likely to be treated with human dignity.
2015-04-18 2:15 am
Can't say until I see a picture.
2015-04-16 10:26 pm
send me a message there has to be a reason you feel that way you don't just wake up saying you want to be a hooker! but I say no cause your just going be a piece of meat worthless to many I don't judge but nobody is going to respect you like a human they will treat you like a ragdoll...
2015-04-16 11:19 pm
why not get an education and start a career instead? You don't want to sell yourself to men. Men are gross.

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