我想問是否在任何行車道路上, 駕駛者必須靠左,或最左行駛? 若不靠左行駛,會否違例及被檢控?? 另外, 路上出現向前箭咀, 是否不可以切線改道? 或可被檢控?
回答 (4)
1. Not necessary.
2. Maybe. It depends on the circumstance.
Hong Kong Ordinances does not specify a road user must use the left lane whenever possible. However, Section 38 of Road Traffic Ordinance (Careless driving) defines careless driving as:
"...if on a road he drives a vehicle without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road (任何人在道路上駕駛車輛時,如無適當的謹慎及專注,或未有合理顧及其他使用該道路的人)"
So if your action (not driving on the left lane) has impacted others, then you may be liable for careless driving.
3. No. Lane change is based on the lines on the road, not the arrows.
4. No.
收錄日期: 2021-04-15 19:05:53
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