I know this is weird but can someone poison your bed or clothes or handles or anything?

2015-04-15 6:17 pm
I know it's really weird but I'm really paranoid about my sisters dad, if I get home from work and he's here then I have to go upstairs and use some baby wipes to wipe everything! Even my bed all my wardrobe door handles my light switch etc. it's really annoying having to do it but I have to. All the time I've been out and he's here if I get home and he isn't home yet then I don't but if he is I do. I don't like him bringing my clothes in my room or anything incase he's done anything So yea can you help me? Can someone like poison your things or anything like poison or anything thank you will give points!!

回答 (4)

2015-04-15 6:28 pm
Heck, YAH! That is how Hercules wife did him in, poisoned his shirt.
Jelly fish venom on dry sand poisons peoples feet at the beach.
Mystery novels have poison painted to the inside of glasses so when the wine is poured the correct person dies. Chemical contamination like aerosols in plants, like those brain cancers at the Pratt & Whitney plants in Connecticut last decade.
There are many ways.
BUT, I doubt that you are in danger. IF you really believe you at threat talk to the police, maybe they can take samples to set your mind at ease. I
OR put your mind at ease by getting a couple of "Mini-Cameras" (like nanny cams) to place around the house.
2015-04-15 6:49 pm
It's nearly impossible to poison items that would then transfer to you. You need to talk to your mother or at least set up "traps' to see if he's been in your space.
2015-04-15 6:24 pm
No. No, it is not possible. Please read the following carefully:

Your own AUTHENTIC self loves you, cares for you, and trusts you implicitly.

This other, false, anxiety-producing, irritating, obnoxious voice does not arise from your authentic self. It arises from repetition and small fears, exaggerated to look large and important.

It is not real.

Your real voice gives you good guidance and true direction.

Your "anxiety" voice just repeats useless thoughts that have no purpose.

And it's OK to turn off that "anxiety" voice! As a matter of fact, it is essential!

So, beginning today, when you hear that "anxiety" voice, do this:

1.) Say "I recognize that voice. I have heard it before."

2.) Breathe deeply four times, from the abdomen --- pushing the tummy out on the inhale --- and letting everything relax on the exhale.

3.) Say "I know this voice means nothing. It's not me. It's just my anxiety, trying to get a work-out. This voice has nothing to offer me. It is pointless. I hereby choose to release it. I choose to receive guidance only from my authentic self."

4.) And then turn your attention to a WORTHY thought and action, immersing yourself completely in that new thought.

Practice this. And free yourself of your own "anxiety" voice.
2015-04-15 6:24 pm
I'm not a professional... But to me, it sounds like paranoid schizophrenia...
I think you should see a professional about your paranoia of your sister's father poisoning your things. It sounds like it is really affecting your life.
Also, no, he can't poison your things. You'd know if he were to even try.
I wish you the best of luck.

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