
2015-04-16 2:03 am



Because I am not fill in the attendance list everyday, and it cause the difference between computer records and paper records. I will fill in the attendance list according to the real time. Sorry for cause your inconvenience. 這是我目前的翻譯,感覺很不順而且不委婉,請大家幫忙修改了>

回答 (5)

2015-04-16 2:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am sorry I have caused the confusion between my time cardand office records, because I record mine according to my watch, instead of theoffice computer time clock. From now on I will record it by the computer time. Again, I am sorry for the inconvenienceI have caused. Thank you for your attention to this matter. “每個月底一次填完” 跟”每天都填” 並不能解釋為何填的時間有誤差,所以就用自己的手錶與公司電腦作為區別. 雖然現在不太戴手錶, 總比手機好, 因手機與電腦同步.簡單再次道歉, 並謝謝對此事的關注.(正常解釋一個合理的理由, 避免給人找藉口 和未按照規定的印象.英文的使用, 跟台灣辦公室文化有出入, 不好照你原文翻譯)

2015-04-16 14:20:55 補充:
也是, 不知版主的時間是如何不同法, Haha, 所以版主.... ah, one lie will lead to another one. 難.
2015-04-17 1:11 am
Because I didn’t record my attendance in time, and filled them all into the list at the end of each month instead, so what I filled couldn’t match the actual time that had been recorded in the computer.
To avoid the mistakes happen again, I will fill in the time on that day later . Sorry for the bother .
2015-04-16 5:59 pm
2015-04-16 7:59 am

-----Because I fill out the attendance list only once at the end of every month, causing the difference between computer and my own records, I will endeavour to fill in the attendance list according to the actual time requested.
-----Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
2015-04-16 4:09 am
Because I fill out the attendance list only once at the end of every month, the record has some mistakes. In the future, I will fill out the actual time of my arrivals and leaving. Sorry for causing your inconvenience.

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