Different 用法一問

2015-04-15 5:43 am

1. Satisfy the different demands of different customers
2. Satisfy the different demands from different customers

回答 (4)

2015-04-16 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案

1. Satisfy the different demands of different customers- better English

2. Satisfy the different demands from different customers - people understand what you mean but not good English

he different demands of different customers-= different customers' demands
2015-04-15 9:42 pm
2 個都 arm, 2個係有小小唔同意思.

1. Satisfy the different demands of different customers <-- of = 有關

2. Satisfy the different demands from different customers <-- from = 來自

係某的情況下, 2句所表達出黎既, 毫無分別, 但如果係一的法律性文章, 或者一的好深究既文章, 統計文章, 就會深究法律性提問 / 解答 / 責任來自邊一方, 咁先會由前文後理去細分.

of, 係一的概括性既評述, 係呢句, 係泛指一般不同客人層面

from, 係集中某一層面既客人, 比如10-20歲 & 21-30歲(年齡分層), 又或興趣, 又或職業

* 而如果前文後理中2者都一樣, 咁就無咩分別.
參考: 自己
2015-04-15 6:27 am
1. is correct.


2. means

2015-04-15 5:57 am
Satisfy the demands of different customers.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 15:33:17
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