have been 問題

2015-04-14 10:24 pm
If she wins, it will be the first time a woman has been elected president.

點鮮第二句中" a woman has been elected president." 係用現在完成被動,而唔係未來完成被動?

回答 (3)

2015-04-16 9:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If she wins, it will be the first time a woman has been elected president.= correct as it will be = tells us that will happen in the future.


If he wins, it will be the first woman elected as president.
2015-04-16 1:29 pm
A woman will have been elected president.
2015-04-15 8:51 am
It is idiomatical to use the present perfect after the time phrases, such as "This is the first time ..." or "It is the second time ... " etc.

The rationale behind is:
~ we use present perfect to refer to something we experience;
~ we use present perfect to express repetition of actions (first, second, third, ...).

The difference scenarios:

1. Factual (she wins / has just won):

(i) a woman has never been elected president before
~ This is the first time a woman has been elected president.

(ii) a woman has been elected once before
~ This is the second time a woman has been elected president.

2. Hypothetical 假設 (if she wins): conditional-1 sentence

(i) a woman has never been elected president before
~ It will be the first time a woman has been elected president.

(ii) a woman has been elected once before
~ It will be the second time a woman has been elected president.

2015-04-15 01:01:21 補充:
In English expression, we always focus on the main idea (the first time).
1. It is the first time a woman will have been elected president.
2. It will be the first time a woman will have been elected president.
3. It will be the first time a woman has been elected president.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 19:07:21
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