✔ 最佳答案
Any time you buy a bicycle from a "store" vs. a REAL bicycle shop you're taking risks.
A) Do they assemble & tune-up the bike?
B) If so - do they have a certified bike mechanic that knows what the heck he's doing? Or is it just some flunky that was stocking shelves last week?
C) Do you assemble the bike? Do you know how?
D) The quality of bicycle from a "store" is rarely (if ever) up to the same standards as one bought from a REAL bicycle shop.
Yes...you'll pay more for a bike by going through a bicycle shop compared to a store that sells general merchandise. But you'll get three very important things lacking from a big box store...
1) A better quality product
2) A REAL after-the-sale service warranty
3) Most important - CUSTOMER SERVICE!