Hello, can I don't pay my speeding tickets and why will happen if I don't. I am from "California" and I got those tickets from "Nevada".?

2015-04-14 2:50 am

回答 (4)

2015-04-14 2:55 am
Suspend your license and place a warrant for your arrest for unpaid moving violations.
2015-04-14 9:08 am
If you don't pay, your licence will be suspended, yes, even in California.
2015-04-14 3:26 am
Your license is INVALID. The next time you are stopped for ANYTHING, you are arrested for driving without a license.
2015-04-14 3:02 am
This is where the trickle down theory really works. A bench warrant is issued and it goes digital. E-Warrant. You get pulled over in California and the check goes national and you go to jail. Go to the court house to pay a fine and the same thing is bound to happen. Pay your fines, you never have to worry! You can also be denied a renewal of your drivers lkiense for non payment.

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