Animal Farm Chapter 6

2015-04-14 3:27 am
想問Animal Farm Chapter 6有邊三個最重要嘅figurative language同important lines?吾該唒

回答 (2)

2015-04-14 9:54 am
✔ 最佳答案

In figure of speech,the manner of speaking of animal=like a man.
The personification, similiar to a man as a simile are:-
(1)"No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets"=a bed sheet for human beings.

(2)"four legs good, two legs bad."=animals are good,under the central commandments of the 4 legged.Later animals are in misery conditions.

(3)"I will work harder"=all animals are equal. but then the pigs become selfish.The loyal horse=the Boxer works hardest, as animals are in misery conditions.

(4)Napoleon is always right"=Since leader Snowball are exciled, because of Snowball's knock off the windmill,.Napolen is always right. He drinks alcoho,,sleeping on bed + cooperate with man. Hence pig becomes man already.
2015-04-20 8:53 am
這不是 figurative language

Little figurative language is used in "Animal Farm". Its symbols are, on the whole, obvious - as one would probably expect in an allegory.
這是 anthropomorhic.拟人的 - The term describes animals, who are seen to behave like humans. They talk and think for example.

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