
2015-04-13 7:56 am
1.who is your favourite character?why do you like him/her




回答 (2)

2015-04-13 4:23 pm
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Title:-The Pied Piper of Hamelin,Germany(Folk Tales)
Author:-Robert Browning.
Retold:-Rosemary Border
Publisher:-Oxford U. Press Oxford Progressive Eng.Readers
No of pages:-pp90
Characters:-Pied Piper
---The peoples
(1)Who is your favourite character? Why?
Answer:-The pied piper is my favourite ch.He tells people that you'll definitely keep a promise,or something will happen.He is the hero of the story.Promises are very important It is easy to make a promise about something.If you break your promise, something bad usually happens.This is the story of a broken promise of the Mayor(=King of )Hamelin.Having made a promise,he broke and regrets it.

(2)All in present tense:-
The story (all in English150)
----In Germany, a village is full of rats, killing a lot of babies.People want to see the Town Mayor(=King) for help or thrown out the councillors.A strange man arrives to help with his long silver pipe with magical music for a potential promise.Having got rid of the rats into the rivers,the Mayor(=King) does not keep his promise and order him to go to Baghdad.
----For the second time the Pied Piper stepped into the streets of town to play his pipe All children follows the magical music towards the high door in the tall mountain to the Promised Land.
----Hamelin is never the same again .Although the Mayor wants to keep the early promise, no children comes back again.Nobody sees the Pied Piper again.
2015-04-15 6:53 am
1.Title: Harry Potter
2.Author: JK Rowling
3.Publisher: Bloomsbury
4.ISBN: 0747595836
5.Total no.of pages: 608

The story is about Harry Potter, a young wizard who had once escaped death when he was a baby. Harry Potter studied in a wizard's school named, Hogswart. In Deathly Hollows, he finally graduated. Now, he has to destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes in order to stop the evil wizard's attempt to destroy the world. In the end, he overcame many difficulties with the help of his two best friends, Hermione and Ron, and defeated Voldemort and saved the 'muggles' who was hated by Voldemort.

Would you recommend this book to your classmates ?
I like the protagonist, Harry, the most. I like him because he was brave and loyal to his friends. In order to save his beloved friends, he's willing to risk his own life to defeat Voldemort. I really admire his loyalty to his friends. Even during the darkest times, his loyalty never wavered. And he insisted on priotizing his friends above everthing, I liked this the most among all of Harry's good points.Therefore, I will recommend this book to my classmates.

change the ending(100words)
well, i would probably not have harry and ginny get together. it's not that i don't like them together, but it's just so much like James and Lily. So I'd probably have harry get together with a muggle or something, because i can't see him with anyone in the series.
other then that i don't think i'd change anything worth mentioning

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