我有兩間野offer 但唔知點揀,求意見

2015-04-13 2:45 am
我CGPA 3.0
有BU Marketing top up offer
有恆管 入year2 BBA in banking and finance

回答 (4)

2015-04-13 8:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
學校講名氣意義唔大。揀degree 第一樣野要記住既係唔好比學校名氣左右決定太多。學校勁,你要讀既學系唔一定勁,就算你讀既學系好勁,你是否應付到又係另一回事。仲有,恆商係以前仲有預科既年代先至多尖子,依家無左預科已經係另一個故事。

樓主既case 其實有少少幸運,因為真係可以根據你既興趣來選科。兩個degree 都係大路學科,將來係社會一定有出路,最緊要係依家呢兩個大路課程係任你揀,其實唸清楚自己鐘意讀邊個課程就得。

不過要提醒既係,鐘意唔代表一定前程錦繡。好多年輕人揀科時成日因為好多唔實際既幻想或誤解,例如以為一畢業就搵好多錢,或誤信謠言,以為可以hea 讀,或以為可以容易走堂做part time 而選擇某一學系,呢D就係佢地口中既“鐘意”。當然,呢類同學最終當然讀到兩頭唔到岸,讀好耐都畢唔到業或讀到無晒士氣。

2015-04-13 12:34 pm
It is better that if you choose BU Marketing top-up, providing that the top-up is offered by BU itself (not from CIE).

The main issue is not the school, but the major.

Banks do not require candidates to have a Banking and/or Finance degree in order to work for the banks. Beside - if you can afford, courses are available to replace the knowledge you can learn from the degree.

Last but not the least - many qualifications in the banking/finance field require work experience.

So Marketing may serve you better (as you can still work for the banks).
2015-04-13 4:34 am
我想是應該選擇恆管 入year2 BBA in banking and finance。。。因爲恆管收生較嚴。之前,他是恒生商學書院,有很多壯元和尖子。。。Marketing 學的東西沒什麼用。。如果可以的話,不如一起聊聊!!我What's app 90977698!!
2015-04-13 4:05 am
恆管 入year2 BBA in banking and finance好D,


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